Wednesday 13 April 2016

Vampire bite

After testing out the cut throat I decided it would be best to try and create the vampire bites just to make sure that I would be able to do them quickly and easily to the best of my ability in the allotted time. 

So the first thing that I did was to create a small ball of wax and place it on top of my hand. I then gently blended out the edges so that it looked as thought there was a small lump on my hand. Now as I was doing this on myself I found it rather difficult to blend the edges without moving the wax ball. Once the edges were blended out I used the pallet knife to create a small indent in the middle of wax so that it looked as though something sharp had pierced it creating the vampire bite effect as I like to call it. I then added some foundation over the top so that it almost blended in with my hand. The next step was to slowly start to build up colour around the wound. I tried to make it so that there was a thin layer around the edge and that it got darker towards the indent. I then placed a small amount of wound filler into the indent and added some blood to make it look slightly more realistic. 

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