Thursday 14 April 2016


So my first character that I chose was Claudia. I am thinking of making Claudia, Roman Godfrey's long lost cousin on his mother's side as Roman hasn't met any of her side of the family. Roman's mother originates from Russia, however left and moved to England where the rest of her family are. Claudia comes from a wealthy family and I want her to be a little rebellious and to be completely different to the rest of her family. I want her to be a little edgy as she hasn't grown up with her parents affection and want to try and gain some sort of attention from them, even if it means getting trouble. Roman is a Vampire and has an ability to make people so whatever he wants them to do. I want Claudia to share that power however the consequence is that it can cause bleeding from the eyes and nose. I would like Claudia to be blonde with pale skin and big eyes. I want her to look 'doe' like. Cute but with a firey personality. 

The word that I have picked for Claudia is Fork. I chose fork because it is seen in the series that Olivia Godfrey uses a knife and fork to cut up the flesh of her victims to eat. I thought that I could link in Claudia with this way of eating.The thought using a knife and fork on a person is quite disturbing which is where I am hoping to portray Claudia as. 

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