Thursday 14 April 2016

Continuity assessment 1

Continuity assessments. What can I say, I hated it. I hate all kinds of assessments as I find them incredibly stressful. This one more so than others as to be truthfully honest I didn't really do a whole lot of practice so everything I was doing I was kind of winging it. Yes I had practiced doing each thing individually but never as a whole thing, so I wasn't really sure of the timings. 

So there I was dressed in black, with my model in front of me, make up all set up and Sue starting the countdown as to when we could start and I realised that I really should've practiced more and I had no clue as to what to do first. I ended up starting off with putting the rollers in the front parts of the hair. I then moved onto the face and placed foundation around the face and the neck of my model. I then added in the grey tones under the cheekbones and around the eye sockets. I tried to make the eye sockets slightly darker so that they looked even more sunken in. I then moved on to trying to place the wax for the Vampire bites. This is where I screwed up. I had only practiced on my hand and not on a neck so I didn't realise how hard it was to try and position it without hurting my model. Then trying to get the colour on it and trying to make sure everything was blended was incredibly difficult due to the placement. By this point I only had about 40 minutes left to finish off the hair and add the blood to the lip. I thought I could do it easily in that amount of time. Boy was I wrong! I was rushing to get all the hair curled, because me being stupid chose the harder of the designs to do and trying to get all the hair curled and pinned meant that I didn't get any photos of where I pinned the hair so I would have to hope for the best next time. I had to swipe a quick line of blood across the lip to finish of my look and get it photographed. Overall it was a incredibly stressful process and I wasn't completely happy with the out come because I had to rush everything. I am glad that I chose the designs that I did because I think that they really fit in and suit the character that I had chosen but I think due to me not practising enough I found it really difficult to portray the designs properly.

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