Wednesday 13 April 2016

Cut Throat

I decided to practise doing a cut throat so that if I chose that to be my final design I would have an understanding of what to do and how best to do it.

The first thing that I did was to add a very thin layer of barrier foam just in case my model had any reaction to the products. I decided to use Sculpting wax as I thought it would be easier to use than Gelatine. I placed a large amount of wax into the back of my hand and using a pallet knife, warmed up the wax slightly so that it was more pliable and easy to work with. Trying to then place it on the neck was incredibly difficult. There were quite a few times that I got incredibly frustrated with it as it either kept sticking to the pallet knife or my fingers. After a while of trying to get the wax on I finally succeeded. I originally placed a long line along the neck and then used the pallet knife and dragged it along the middle to create the cut effect. More frustration occurred when doing this. The next step was to add a thin layer of latex over the wax so that when it came to adding colour it wouldn't ruin the shape of the wax. I then finally started to add colour. I started off using a light shade of red around the outside and started to build up the colour the more towards the middle of the cut. I found that I struggled to blend the colour without ruining the latex. I then added a small amount of wound filler and some blood to help make it look a little more realistic. 

In photos it doesn't look as bad but you are still able to where the edges of the latex are. On the first image you are able to see a slightly darker patch, which is where I accidentally placed a small black patch and wasn't able to completely get rid of it! However due to the amount of time that it took to do I don't think that I will be using this as my final design!!

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