Thursday 14 April 2016

Continuity Assessment 2

Let me tell you the second assessment was just as stressful as the first. However I was able to get things done slightly quicker and I was more pleased with the outcome than with the first one, however there were a few problems. Let me explain....

There I was again, all in black, model in front of me and my make up all laid out. I started off the same as last time with doing the fringe part of the hair in the rollers and then I moved on to the face. After applying a layer of foundation I moved on to the vampire bites hoping that I could spend a little more time on those and less on the shading of the cheeks. After doing them last week I had a general idea as to what I needed to do and I was able to get them done in a lot quicker time. I then mover on to the shading of the cheeks and eyes. In photos you may not see the difference but it was slightly darker in the first set than thy were in these ones. I then moved on to the hair. Now because of the whirlwind that was the last assessment I didn't know where I pinned the curls, however I did remember how many curls that I did so that was one thing that was constant. Like last time I did have to rush a little but not as much meaning my stress levels weren't that high. The last step that I did was to add the blood to the lip.

Looking at the differences between the photos you are able to see that the blood on the lip is slightly more to the right on the first one and then more central in the second one. This particular style has taught me that if I am ever going to need to do continuity again I will have to be extremely wary of the placement of things like dripping blood. Also the hair is pinned slightly differently in both photos. This was something that I knew I would have to be careful about when I chose to do this design, however I didn't realise it would be as noticeable. 

Overall these assessments were stressful and it was all down to the fact that I didn't practice. The outcomes for both sets were better than I thought they would be and I am pleased how they came out. 

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