Thursday 14 April 2016

Hemlock Grove

Like the first half of the assessment we were given a list of tv shows and we had to choose one to create characters that fit in with it. The list that we were given was:
The walking Dead, American Horror Story, Dexter, True Blood, Bates Motel, The Strain, Supernatural, Penney Dreadful, In the Flesh, Being Human, Hemlock Grove, Hannibal and Grimm.

The two that I was deciding between was Hemlock Grove and Supernatural which is one of my favourite tv series.
I chose to do Hemlock grove because I wanted to do a series that I had never seen before. From the list that we were given I had heard of most of the series and none of them really appealed to me. So when I did a little digging into the others I found that Hemlock Grove intrigued me which has led me to watching the first season to get a better idea. This series is set in a fictional town called Hemlock Grove in Pennsylvania. It’s got werewolves, Vargolves, gypsies and things I can’t even pronounce!!

Hemlock Grove has an audience demographic of 16-30 year olds, mainly the male population due to the fact that there is a lot of gore and can be linked to types of video games. I think what might draw in the female population is the fact that there are a lot of young fit males in the cast which may catch the female eye!! I would say it mainly target the younger population due to the fact of the young cast and also because the amount of mythical creatures and gore that is included. It is also a Netflix Original series which may help with the younger audience. Hemlock Grove is rated an 18 however I am sure there are those younger than that watching this series.

What I like so much about this series is the fact that there are so many twists and turns and there are so many different story lines to follow that you can never get bored! What I will say is that towards the end of the first series things start to get a little weird in the way that the storyline is all over the place and I don't think it was that well done. I did enjoy the first series however I don't think that I will be watching the rest.

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