Wednesday 10 February 2016

Dracula part II

So I have finally finished Dracula meaning I've got a slightly better understanding to my character. So after writing my last post, Lucy had been killed with the next few pages of the book. Unfortunately Lucy had her head chopped off and a stake through her heart. Little gory but hey ho. This has given me a few ideas as to what I could do for my character design.

To help give a few more ideas, I decided to watch Bram Stoker's Dracula made in 1992. Now at first I was really enjoying the film however mid way through it started to go in the complete opposite direction from the book. I felt that this didn't portray the greatness of the book and it ended up just being a little too strange. However I was able to get a version of what Lucy Westenra was portrayed as. Instead of having blonde hair, this version had a slight ginger tone to it. The curls were there and the angelic look could be seen. During Lucy's time alive the film portrayed her as quite the seductress, with daring dresses and a confident attitude. Lucy had naturally pale skin accentuated by the pale pink cheeks and the slightly framed eyes. There is one scene where her lips were painted to match her cheeks. As her 'illness' goes on her skin becomes a slight grey/ blue colour and her cheeks and eyes become hollow. The small puncture wounds on her neck are barely visible as they blend in with the skin but there was a small amount of blood to help them stand out a little bit. Once poor Lucy had fully transformed her skin had gone completely white, meaning the paleness of her cheeks stood out. She had a small bit of blood on her lips and running down her chin. Let me say, she was a sight to behold.

Due to her head being but off I was thinking about maybe trying to do some sort of cut along my models neck. I definitely want to have some sort of blood around the lips as I think that it really makes a statement. Pale skin and rosy cheeks are an obvious but I need to do it in a way so that it fits in with the time period. When it comes to the hair I'm not so sure as to what I am going to do. I want there to be curls but I can't figure out whether the hair should be up or down or both!!

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