Thursday 18 February 2016


When it comes to things like creating characters, you need to think about the characters background, status, characteristics, personality, state of mind, apparition and attributes. All of this is what makes a character who they are as a person. You have to treat them like real people because if not it's harder for the audience to get as involved and interested in the movie as they can't really relate to them.

The responsibility of continuity on set is down to the script supervisor however it is up to the make up, hair and props people to actually keep the continuity going. The character must have the same clothes, jewellery, hair style, make up and props at the start of every new scene as they did in the previous one. Without continuity it makes the film look a little stupid as it ruins the illusion that the film is meant to be real life. Careful notes and lots of photos have to be taken before and after the shot so that you can keep up with continuity.

We were given a task to show us how difficult continuity can be. We were to create a black eye on our partner, take photos, get them to remove it and do it again the exact same! Now it may sound easy but trying to do things like keeping the colouring and placement of the bruise was a lot harder than I thought it would be!! 

The one on the left was my first attempt and the one on the right was my second. As you can see they are slightly different colours as the left one has a slightly bluer tint while the right one looks slightly redder. However I think I did an okay job as the differences aren't really that noticeable. At least I don't think they are!

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