Monday 21 March 2016

Hat, Broom and a Back Cat

In broad terms Witchcraft is thought to be the practice of magical skills and abilities which can be practised by either an individual or group. Witchcraft has three main roles which is religious, divinatory and medicinal, however there are other smaller subjects that link with witchcraft such as sorcery, magic, nercromancy and healing.

Witchcraft originated from The Old Testament Laws which said that Witchcraft was seen as evil and was a form of devil worship. This soon led to the famous Witch trials, which was mainly done in protestant Europe. The witch trials caused people to be tortured, killed and scapegoated. Witches that were thought to have had melavolent causes were the first to be sent to trial where as those that were thought to benevolent thought were accepted into the community, however trying to tell the difference between the two types was incredibly difficult.

Witchcraft is mainly based on spell casting, so the ability to cast a magical action. A spell can be done in a few different ways, some of which are: Chants, runes or a ritual action. Spells can be done for all sorts of magic.

Necromancy: Necromancy is the conjuring of spirits and the dead. This would be classed as the devil worship magic and would cause the witch to go straight to the trials.

White Witch: White witches were thought to be the kinder witches, however in reality they were more like herb healers. This did end up killing a good few women as it was still seen as witchcraft.

In the 20th century people started looking more into the practice of witchcraft and eventually books were published stating that wtitchcraft wasn't acually bad. This then led to the Wiccan religion, which is still practised today.

Saturday 5 March 2016

A roll in the mud

Today was a slightly calmer day compared to the action packed ones in previous week. This time we were learning how to dirty someone up and make it look as though they fell. We also looked into tooth enamel so that we could create rotten or a missing tooth. 

The list of items that you will need is:
  • Tooth enamel
  • Surgical spirit
  • Fullers Earth
  • Supracolour
  • Blood
  • Sponges
  • Baby buds

So the first thing that you are going to want to do is make sure that your model isn't allergic to anything or if they have recently had work done to their teeth so as that you don't ruin them. To remove the enamel you will need surgical spirit, just gently rub it over the tooth just don't swallow it.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to dry your models teeth using a baby bud. If the tooth is not dry then the enamel won't stick.  Shake up the enamel and place a couple of drops onto a clean surface. This is due to health and safety reasons so that you don't use the brush on multiple people.
  • Using a cotton bud, dip into the colour and then place on teeth. Place the darker colour on first and then a yellow on top. This is the rotten teeth done.
  • To create dust you can either place on the model dry or you can add a bit of water to the mud and smear it on. Fullers earth is safe to place anywhere on the body. 
  • Using a hair dryer you can dry the mud and it will turn a slightly lighter shade. It can start to crack off which may be a good effect. If you are going to place mud on fingers or elbows make sure that they are bent so that all the creases are filled in. You can also use colour hair spray to add more colour.
  • Also don't forget to do up the fingernails as well.